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Tuesday, July 3, 2012


And the LHHA mess continues! Several Atlanta bloggers are alleging that Joseline was attacked at a viewing party last night at an Atlanta venue. Reportedly, Joseline got into an altercation with a woman who questioned why she got an abortion, SUPPOSEDLY. After arguing for sometime, the sources are claiming that Joseline hit the woman then the woman fought her back. Joseline hasn't confirmed or denied the events but supposedly she was spotted with a bloody face after the fight. An non other than her MANager, Stevie J, was there to break up the fight. This ATL ish is a HOT ASS MESS!! All of the "pregnancy/abortion" jibberish is steaming from last nights episode where Joseline admitted to having an affair with Stevie J and accuses him of being the father of her newly implanted seed.

In other Joseline news, ever since the first episode premiered 3 weeks ago, rumors have been swirling that Joseline is really a JOSE. Joseline chatted with blogger Jasmine Brand about how she feels about the sexuality rumors, pregnancy, how she met Stevie J, and more. On the sexuality rumors:
I’m starting to take it as a compliment because they say only that men that turn into women are perfect. And I am perfect. I have a perfect face. I have the perfect body. I have the perfect everything – I don’t have a flaw on me. I really started noticing I’m 100% woman… It’s really like, I can’t even begin… I’ve never even heard that before. I have men give me everything I’ve ever wanted, and I’ve never had a problem with people looking at me that type of way. It’s crazy to me. Do you not see all this greatness? I don’t understand, I’m confused. I’m beautiful and a lot of women would pay thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars to look like me. You know, I work out a lot.. take care of my body and I love how I look. And hey whoever don’t like it, they can stop looking! But I know they not, cause they love it too. There’s been a ton of speculation surrounding your sexuality. How do you feel about that?
On how she met Stevie J:
I met him at the strip club through another friend, another guy we both know; but then from there I met him at the studio a second time, but originally it was at the strip club.
For more of the interview, check out Jasmine Brand's blog.


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