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Thursday, May 31, 2012


It's been all over the internet and CNN since since Monday. In case you haven't heard/saw the video, 31 year old Rudy Eugene was killed by police after he exhibited zombie-like, superhuman behavior and began eating the face off of a homeless man in Miami. 65-year old Ronald Poppo lost 75% of his face after the 18-minute attack. Eugene's movie-like behavior is being blamed on the possibility of him taking "bath salts", a drug that contains synthetic stimulants that can "cause chest pains, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, agitation, hallucinations, extreme paranoia, and delusions. Read on for more photos and find out what Euguen's mother had to say. **If you have a weak stomach, you may NOT want to continue**

Rudy Eugene's mother, who's name will remain anonymous, stated he was a "nice kid" and could have been subdued with a taser instead of gunfire.
He was a good kid. He gave me a nice card on Mother’s Day. Everyone says he was a zombie. He was no zombie. That was my son...They could have tased him..I saw what happened on TV and I started crying.

His girlfriend also commented:
He loved God. He always read the Bible. He would give you knowledge on the Bible. Everywhere he went his Bible went. When he left he had his Bible in his hand...That wasn’t him, that was his body but it wasn’t his spirit.  Somebody did this to him.

A friend that went to highschool with Eugene,  Cassandra Metayer, said:
He was a nice, outgoing, ready-to-help-anybody kind of guy. Someone in their right mind doesn’t do that. This is not the act of a normal person. It has to be someone under the influence.

This is truly devastating, horrific, and unbelievable! I could never imagine the day that the news would be reporting on "zombie-like" activity.



What are your thoughts? Could the police have opted to use a taser instead of gunfire???


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