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Sunday, March 18, 2012


Joey Bounce is not caught up with the glitz and glamour of the industry, he makes music because he is passionate about it and loves it. With a firm strategic plan and his natural born talents, Bounce is headed for success. Check out AllureRadio's exclusive Q&A with the up and coming producer hailing from Kansas City, Missouri.

How long have you been producing music and what motivated you to jump to the production side of the music industry?
I have been producing for nine years now since I was 15 years old. I decided to go into production because I liked the idea of putting sounds together and watching peoples reaction.

How would you describe your production/mixing style? My style is big and broad.
My drums are always heavy hitting and I like to mix a good variety of melodies into my work. As far as mixing, I do a lot of my premixing but I leave most of that to my engineer and just guide him to a point were I believe the record is a finished product.

Who are some producers (whether present or in the past) that helped to influence your career?
The work of Timbaland and Quincy Jones have greatly influenced my work and creative ideas.

What genre's of music have you produced in?

What is the typical production schedule for an artist coming to work for you like?
Artists are very funny about the way they work so I have to remain open to the schedule of how artist work. Primarily, like to work at night and Singers during the day. But lately most of my sessions happen late night from about 8pm to about 6am.

What's the most challenging thing about your chosen career?
The most challenging thing about my career is being able to consistently connect with audiences all around the world, being able to capture one true emotion in every record that will move people.

Who are some artists you've worked with and artists that you would like to work with?
I have spent a great deal of my career thus far working with unsigned artist. I have worked with Def Jam artist D- Dave, Missouri rapper MKD, Rapper James Christos and Tec Nine, Jackie Michaels of Show me Down Ent – she tours with Avant, Jasmine Beats By Bounce Artist, Nave Beats By Bounce artist. LIV Productions artist Sebastian Garcia.

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How do you determine what artist(s) you're interested in working with?
I look for raw talent  and someone who understand music . The way music is structured is very important for an artist to understand. I also look for humility in artist I work with, Its not all about money, I would rather work with an artist that has the drive to succeed and is broke than the artist who has no ambition but a pocket full of cash.

Do you lease/sale beats?
If so, where can those interested find them.Yes I lease and sell beats Independently through my website at for exclusive sale on music I can be contacted .

Want to connect with Joey Bounce??? Here's how....

Twitter @thebeatking

Facebook: Joey Bounce


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