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Thursday, March 1, 2012


Who is Rod Blaze you might ask? Hailing from Evansville, Indiana, Rod Blaze has hit the Dallas music scene, destined to make an impact. Read MORE to check out the Q&A with Rod Blaze + Rod's interview LIVE on AllureRadio SultrySunday.

On pursing music as a career choice...

What made me decide to pursue music as a career choice is the satisfaction I recieved after just trying my hand with this music. I had tons of friends tell me I had talent and back then (2006) My music wasnt that good compared to the level I've reached thus far. But that felling I get when I'll get a message or comment from friends and fans telling me they love my music and sometimes listen to a song of mine to help them get through a tough time or just when hanging with friends. It's great to be admired for creating your own ideas in a fun craft and something you mad love for.


Biggest accomplishment thus far....

My biggest accomplishment so far in my career would have to be performing at Kwanzaa Fest 2010, that's the most people I have performed for so far and I look forward to performing for alot more fans

On musical inspirations....

J.Cole is one of my favorite artists so I would definitely like to collaborate with him. It would be great to collab with Luda, T.I., Big K.R.I.T., B.O.B, Anthony Hamilton, Roscoe Dash, Jay-Z, Wiz Khalifa, Wale and many more. But mainly just any artist who makes good music, famous or not.

Most valuable piece of advice...

Most valuable advice I've recieved regarding the industry so far is that you can't trust too many people in the industry because this is a cut throat business, and unfortunately many people will tell you anything to make money off you and not really contribute to what your doing musically.

On comparisons to other artists....

I couldn't compare my music to any other artist out currently. I've been told I reminded some of a T.I. type swag or B.O.B but I dont try to sound or act like any artist out. I'm just me and hopefully my fans not only like my music but my personality as well after they get to know me.

On upcoming projects....

My current upcoming project will be the first Mixtape I have ever put out yet. The name of the project is entitled "Prologue to Legendary" Composed of tracks I have done since I lived in Indiana in 2009 to tracks I have worked on this year. The project will dropping this February. Fans can expect to experience a different style of lyricism from me as an artist. I dont want to have just one sound as an artist so I try to be as versatile as possible while still being able to tell that's Rod Blaze on a song

Last words for the fans....

I hope you all enjoy my first project "Prologue to Legendary" and leave feedback on the facebook page, Twitter, Youtube or even if you see me out. I love meeting new fans and if this wasn't for the passion I have for this music and great enjoyment I recieve from satisfying fans this wouldn't be as fun as it is.

The Randomness Round

Favorite Food : I love Sea food most and of course some down south cookin' I'm from the Midwest but Mom's always cooked like we was being raised in the south!

Single or Taken : I'm single and... haha you know the rest

Biggest pet-peeve : A person not following through with plans they've made with you especially when it's something you've been looking forward to in a while and they cancel at the last minute. You be like wtf? lol

Unusual Addictions : I'd say I'm addicted to good music, being around it, creating it, anything involving music you can vibe and relate to.


Check out Rod Blaze's LIVE interview on AllureRadio Sultry Sundays



Be sure to follow Rod Blaze on Twitter >>>> @RodBlaze


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