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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Kanye Post Naked Picture of Kim K?!?!?


I was giving Kim and Yeezy the benefit of the doubt and ignoring the rumors that their relationship was just for publicity. But after this stunt, the masses might not be the asses in this situation.

Apparently Kanye tweeted the picture above, of Kim K, and of course the millions of tweeters retweeted it and saved it before he was able to delete it. The only problem with this is, this is NOT Kim K.

The bare beauty is actually a porn star by the name of Amia Miley. She tweeted the original picture March 2011, with the caption Eat.

Amia didn't seem to happy about the photo.

And on the other side of things, Kim Kardashian seemed oblivious to the fact that this photo "of her" had even began to go viral. It's a sad case all around. Can I get a sigh on three for the Kim & Yeezy situation please?

1.. 2.. 3... *sighhhhhhh*





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